9:00 in the night on a lazy sunday, chinese for food,bored roommates for company and nothing much to do, I popped in 'Sixth Sense' in the dvd player and let it rip. I hadnt seen the movie since it was released 3 years back and desperately wanted to catch M. Night Shymalan's chillin thriller. After watching 'Signs' and 'The Village' I am a big fan of Shyamalan's movies. At11:00 pm I found myself frozen in place clutching the arm rest, being aroused only after being told that the movie is over and you can stop being scared ;).
I must say its a brilliant movie with a great climax. The movie got me thinking, can there be life after death? is there after life? Are all these ghost stories just fiction or is there an iota of truth in them? Maybe the five senses and some blessed with the sixth are not sufficient for humans to perceive other worldly beings! Is it possbile that people do communicate after they leave this human form. Is it possible that humans dont die, its just that they take a different form which a normal human being cant visualize. As wind and heat cannot be seen but only felt is there some from which cannot be seen nor can be felt? Well I am writing all this in my complete senses, just thought that you must be calling me a freak by now! If there comes a time in my life, when I have done everything, experienced everything, have everything and nothing much to do I am going to start investigating and find answers to my questions.
Did I just write all that! oh my god! I guess its time for my brain to take a break and s**t its monday tomorrow....zzzzzz!