Tuesday, August 31, 2004


u know the person u r talking to is a mumbaikar if he tells u how much time will it take to reach a particular place instead of telling u how far it is when u ask him how far is 'x' place


Tata Motors Ltd.

U come to know that a person was working in Tata Motors if he tells u that he has been waiting for his accumulated PF to be credited to his account for over 4 months after quitting : (......
u may wonder who that person is.....


Sunday, August 29, 2004

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

What r u looking at?....its me on the left sitting in Cafe Coffee Day, Delhi along with Arun Kamath(coffee demon) and drinking fukat coffee courtesy Tata Motors Ltd. Posted by Hello

Friday, August 27, 2004

thats me standing on asia's largest equilateral triangle situated in Jantar Mantar at Delhi Posted by Hello

Gmail invite!!

I got a free gmail invite...i got a free gmail invite..finally i too have a Gmail account : )
courtesy nupur..thankx...u all may wonder what's so gr8....then here is what is gr8
ppl r ready to beg steal borrow and buy gmail accounts : )....let me savour the moment
for some more time ; )

Thursday, August 26, 2004

The Effects of E-mail

Read and enjoy. The far reaching effect of E-mail ; )

Height of Isolation:Two persons sitting side by side using emails to communicate with each other
Height of Cowardice:Two persons fighting through emails.
Height of Helplessness: Receiving no e-mails for a week
Height of Frustration: The e-mail server being down
Height of Carelessness: Writing a love mail and doing a send all
Height of Achivement:A person sending email to a girl wanting to become friends and getting a reply.
Height of Timepass: person sending E-mail to himself
Height of Expectation: Sending Indian cricket team an e-mail, wishing them to win a match.
Height of Repitition: Forwarding an email to someone and receiving the same email forwarded back to you by some one in the receiving chain.
Height of Browsing: You are swimming in the water pond and shout "F1 F1 F1" instead of shouting "HELP" when you are unable to swim.


Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Last Few days in Mumbai

Today!! 25th August 2004.just 11 days to go for D-day. U may wonder what's there on 5th September. I leave for the US of A on this very day. I was wondering what all i'll miss.....these r the 10 things i'll miss the most

1. Mom's food : (
2. My computer : )
3. My friends : (
4. The ubiqitous red BEST bus
5. masala dosa,pavbhaji, butter chicken...yummy
6. 98.3 radio mirchi
8. mumbai rains : )
9. Hanging out of a local train ; )
10. last but not the least home sweet home : (

kuch pane keliye kuch khona padta hain. well thats life. The only thing which is permanent is "change"

Saturday, August 21, 2004


Yipee I have been accepted to pursue PhD at Drexel University!!!....well this excitement was shortlived especially after I heard the courses I have to take to pursue PhD....misaal ke taur pe

Quantum Mechanics
Statistical Mechanics
Colloidal Physics
Microfabrication Technology
Material Characterisation

Now i know its not a childs play to pursue PhD...i feel like i'll be workin under einstien ; )......well the books look awesome till you open them to read the matter : (.....lets c how I do in these courses...aakhon dekha haal aane wale blogs main...keep watchin : )


Speaking of addiction I have noticed that I have been addicted to a lot of things unknowingly

Addiction to Sleep: dragging myself out of bed at 10:00 am and again sleeping 3 hours in the afternoon ;)

Addiction to Tea: drinking 3-4 cups daily and forgetting that I already have had my quota ; )

Addiction to Computers: forgetting food, drink and family and leaving the chair only if there is a power failure : )

Addiction to Phone: curtailing phone calls only if the bill crosses all limits including daddy's threshold : )

Addiction to TV: channel surfing till u come back to the same channel and then continue again : (

Addiction to Blogging: posting more than 3 posts in one single day and then commenting on other people's blogs : )

Addiction to Chatting: chattin to a person for over 2 hours when the person stays in the same town and I have already spoken to him/her for more than 2 hours on phone ; )

Addiction to Movies: watching Dil Chahta hain 8 times

there are many more things to which I have been addicted....no no I am not talking about drugs ; )...thankfully I have been addicted only to things not frowned upon

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Sameer...hawa ka jhoka!!!

Sameer....hawa ka jhoka...well this dialog from Hum Dil De Chuke sanam has made the name famous or should i say infamous ; ).....well the name sameer literally means Vayu Dev or the wind god according to Hindu mythology
Sameer, the name has become so common....When I was in VJTI civil there were four people with the same name in our class...it was so difficult to call sameer..every time someone used to call sameer the other three would respond ; )
Sameer, sam, sammy, sammo,sami these r the many versions that I have been addressed with. Though it is also spelt as samir. There have been many instances where sameer has been confused with zameer and I was asked whether I am a Muslim :-)....such a simple name also causes confusions in spelling...the most comon misspelling being sammer; )
Well before I start sounding too obsessed with my name...i better curtail this post here :-)
signing off

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Main Aisa Kyun hoon!!!

One of my idiosyncrasies is day dreaming. its the best thing to do. u dont have to make time for it and u dont require anything to indulge in it. All it requires is you and a fertile mind.

One thing I have been contemplating is "Main aisa kyun hoon, main aisa kyun hoon"
why has god made me this way, why has he sent me in this form and why has he sent me in this era.there my fertile mind has started germinating "Main aisa kyun hoon, main aisa kyun hoon"

why has he given me such a gr8 family, why has he given me such wonderful friends, why is that I have everything I need, why "Main aisa kyun hoon, main aisa kyun hoon"

what was I in my last life, what will I be in my next life, will I be able to justify my existence when I die, "Main aisa kyun hoon, main aisa kyun hoon"

why did I do engineering, why did I work in Tata Motors Limited, and why is it that I am going abroad for higher studies, "Main aisa kyun hoon, main aisa kyun hoon"

well the rest of my life will be spent in analyzing this riddle "Main Aisa Kyun hoon".

sameer!!!.....sameer!!!...uhh...yeah...sameer!!!....oh that's my mum calling me...i better go

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Me(in white shirt) and fellow Drexelites at arvind's b'day Posted by Hello

Sore Throat!!

Yet again in my 22 years of my existence I am down with sore throat. I guess this is God's way of keeping my mouth shut for a few days. My sister says that I talk a lot and never allow anybody else to talk and hence I frequently get sore throat ; )......Its like the law of averages...I yap away to glory and then suddenly my throat gives up and shuts itself : )
Its so wierd to lose your voice. you suddenly end up speechless. When I get up in the morning it takes almost 2 hours and a bucketful of hot water to get my voice box in some order. Its so funny that when you cant talk there is someone or the other who keeps on calling up and wants to ask you something.
It does have its advantages but the disadvantages far outweigh them. You cant talk normally, you cant ask for anything and you cant eat most of the foodstuff. only thing you can do is croak away to glory. I know that we all love our voices, but this feeling is more acute when one is down with sore throat. How I long to get my normal voice back!!
cant help it I have to live with it. so long then, till I get my voice back

Sunday, August 08, 2004


Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute.naah!!.Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute...whatever..a rose by any other name smells as good. Thats VJTI for you; .a 125 year old prestigious college, rechristened to the later name in 1997 .Why am i writing about VJTI, well thats where 4 prime years of my youth passed while pursuing BE Electrical and I made some of my very best friends over here: )
I have had many memorable moments in VJTI. I still remember the time spent in the qualdrangle was the most productive ; ) followed by the canteen ; )...Electrical class was the envy of all other branches. we hardly had any lectures, if we had we didnt attend and in the end the sem topper would almost always be a trical student : )
The most hilarious moment was described by rohini, the scene: most dreaded machines viva by Prof. Mahale. I wont let out who the victim was. Prof asked a question to the suspect...he answered some vague manner...the Prof asked from where did u give this answer....the dumb response was, its there in the prescribed book...lol...lol
One more gr8 thing of my class was tht we went to a trek at the end of almost every semester. Lonavala, Dukes nose, Matheran, Dukes nose again, NaneGhat: by far the best trek....
Ghosh I am goin to miss those four long years which just went by in a flash : ) what say gang, Nisarga, Rohini, Sumedha, Smitha, Saurabh, Ashish, Minal, Pranav, Animesh, Venugopal, Jatin, Nitin, Tushar, Sameer, Sandy, Andy, Yogesh...I dedicate this post to all of u : )..enjoy